Tuesday, September 28, 2004


today got back a few papers....chem was ok...thank goodness 4 prac....phy was horrible...damn e mcq! maths is a goner! oh manx...this is a horrible prelims! bro said tt he'll grant me a wish...any wish if i cd get at least 1 A in e prelims...looks like my wish has gone down e drain...damn...y din he tell me b4 e prelims?!
oh ya...2dae go 2 sch...see so mani pple face so red...hehe...so funny...coz we went sentosa on sat...both odac n class...odac 2 celebrate zm n yx's bdaes....class pple 2 go there n relax...n erm...to play monkey? haha esp aft babitch went there? n wenjie n becomed even darker! think even whitening lotion cannot help her le...hehe =p
today went out w/ cheryl...ate AJ ice 2gether...cannot finish! left over so much! oh ya..then tmr my class pple coming my hse...gonna watch vcd, have dinner then ti teng long ard my estate...haha so cute..think tmr will b fun!
i noe it seems as if we having hol le...think hafta get back on track soon...like wat mr neo neo sae " i noe u all will destress, but dun take 2 long ah..." bleh!


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