Monday, July 02, 2007

1st week in LA

UCLA rox! ahha 1 week here le...lessons are fine...quite fun n interesting...teachers here more engaging than those back home....books here are ex manx! paper here is too! a foolscap cost like 3-4 times more than back home!!! ahha lucky i bot some over...

mani things happened in this one wk...went for the transformers premier! e red carpet premier! (they used blue carpet thou...hehe) saw all e stars, took pics w/ some! reporter took for us n asked where we from! i told him Singapore! think tt we'll get featured somewhere! so fun n exciting! 1st time...quite rare oso... took pics w/ bumblebee too...n took pics with e car they use for filming too...

fri, we went to santa monica to shop at 3rd street promenade! bot a short black lacy dress....girly, sexy, nice! alot of good deals, but wanna kepp $ for las vegas factory outlet tt we gg next wkend.....

sat went to universal studios, quite fun! played e rides n saw a lot of special effects, went into some of the studios n sets tt they filmed shows! went to desperate housewives wisteria lane n saw e houses n!~

sun went to hollywood....seriously i think it's been overated by tv shows...not tt big a deal actually...went to ripley's believe it or not odditorium there was fantastic!!! took so mani photos that camera went out of batt before we even go for walk of fame! ahhah had to borrow terina's... took photos with a lot of stars during the walk of fame...they have over 2000 stars along e whole street! harry potter's premier gonna be in hollywood on 8th july! my frenz n i wanted to go...prob be more grand than transformers...but aniwae too bad..we cant cos we gg las there at factory outlet to make up...hehe =p

1 wk from e last time i saw family n dear...miss them wanna tok to them online everydae...but so hard cos of time diff...n i'm so tired tt i fell aslp while toking to dear, in front of webcam somemore!...oopz...sori... hehe so so tired....e transport system here sux...not onli is it expensive, e waiting time oso long....n thus we nearly walk tiring aft 1 whole dae of walking manx...


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