Saturday, October 09, 2004


hey hey....hehe tot i'll juz update a lil on my boring's so boring tt's y i got nth 2 write abt....hmmm....this coming fri is farewell assembly n aft tt is A's scary....cant believe 2 yrs juz fly by so fast....oh ya...gonna go up stage receive prize 4 perfect score...wanna wear blazer but in e end still dun get 2 wear...they ask us wear white long sleeve only...sianz....silly yu ting laugh at me coz she wore it 3 times le...lucky gal! haha but then again i seem 2 b e onli guai tai tt wanna wear it....hehe
nowadays so boring....keep studying n slping n watchin a lil tv here n there....mum keep scolding me 4 watching 2 much tv...bleh...guess i hafta really cut down before we have another major quarelling session....
body aching now....these few days excercised a day on wed...we played badminton, then soccer, then badminton again...all with three diff grps of aj teachers....din noe tt aj teachers actually so active manx...they play every wk somemore juz tt we din noe till last we played w/ e badminton teachers 2 times le...think might b playin this wed again...then yest played basketball aft chem test...then today met yx n jx at 0730 (so early! those silly buggers make me wake up)then they bring me go run ard hougang n IMH there(woodbridge....we were trying 2 find ah soh....hehe)...yupz....n tt's e end of my boring dae....


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