Wednesday, September 27, 2006 very confused...

everything is so luan now...i oso dunno wat's gg on...problems with both rship n frenz...
rship...tuo le for abt 3/4 yr le...when will it end...u tell me to get myself a bf then u will si xin...but i cant do that till i've settled this between us...and u keep asking me to show u more concern...i can, but only as a fren...but that isnt enough for u is it??? i dun wanna hurt ur feelings nor do i wanna lead u on...pls let go...
frenz...y do u keep blowing hot n cold? u were e one hu keeping askin me out yet u r oso e one who ended it...sometimes dunno wat u wan oso...u have changed...u dun sae wat u think or feel, u juz keep quiet n show me attitude, then how am i to know wat u wan??!! plus i cant reali tok 2 u abt it since most of the time i tok to u on msn or sms end up toking to her instead cos she using ur phone/com to act as u to tok 2 me...makes me not even wanna type anythin cos wat's e pt if it doesnt get to u?! u dont even seem to care oso so mayb i sdnt even care too... n u juz ignored me juz now when i called ur name..i noe u heard cos u turned ur head a bit but tt was it, u juz din care... mayb u juz wan me outta ur life...fine...u can have ur life back...
thnx for e memories e past few wks...


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