Wednesday, October 04, 2006

no thank you...

why is it you alwayz dont get wat i'm saying?'s tiring sometimes to explain everythin i'm saying after saying it....there's seriously a break in communication here...y is that so...? is it cos we talk abt more serious stuff than we use to? or is it just me? this sem, i'm reali too bz...i need some space for myself n my family...u finally understood tt i needed space after 2 mths n u did give me space every now n it's starting again...stop doing the things that u do cos it's pressurizing me to commit much more than i can...din we agree to juz remain frens? u made me promise that we have lunch tgt at least once a wk...i say i'll try...but i dunno if i'm able to...sometimes i'm too bz that i even skip lunch...and aniwae...m i leading u on when i agreed? m i too soft? i dun wan this to drag le...too long...too tiring...too much things to do than to keep worrying abt this...n worryin abt u...pls put studies before everythin else...not wk, not me before it...pls...cant u see that finishing ur studies sd b e first priority?!
i'm so tired...with sch, with family stuff, with wk, with hall commitments, with tuition, with 'him'.... i need a break! i need some time for MYSELF!!! i need some me time...i need to pamper myself....bring on the chocolates and ice cream!!! it stress? keep eating chocolates...putting on wg too...sigh...wateva!~ chocolates make me happy when i'm down....sometimes all i need is a rock to lean on...
listening to a sad love song as i type this...e flood gates are open...beyond control...beyond reason...


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