Thursday, October 05, 2006

irritated n wounded...

oops...kinda got pissed juz now during sets then kinda moody aft tt...sorry to was not a gd day...1st was e meeting with 'him' n e talk we had earlier in e day...then at sets, my hand was in between e wood and zinc plate, n some stupid big fat buffalo went to step on it...luckily my hand was almost out...but part of my skin at e side of my hand was 'kiap' was wat tt made me pissed...cant u look before doing things?! first can! it hurts lor.... then later CG accidently hit my hand (same hand!!) with wood! damn pain! now swollen... =( then later i got another 3 cuts fm e zinc plates...2 on my leg n 1 on my finger (same hand!!)...goodness...such a horrible day...sianz...
to CG...i think i noe wat u are thinking of but i can tell's not wat u think it is...i have too many things to handle le then to care abt tt big fat buffalo (forgive me...i'm still irritated thus e name calling =p) so dun think too much...btw....i kinda cancelled tt weird guy's request to add me on msn! haha oops! hope he dun call again....n last of all...thnx to both CG n ZJ for caring...u both have made stayin in hall more fun n interesting! =)


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